Surgical Orthodontics

What is surgical orthodontics?

The alignment of individual teeth is limited by the alignment of your jaws. All teeth need adequate bone to support their roots in healthy, stable positions. If there is not enough bone to support teeth so they can function properly it may be necessary to undergo a surgical procedure to move the underlying bone of the jaw into a more appropriate position to allow better tooth alignment for proper function, a good bite as well as improved esthetics. Unless there is good alignment of the bone that supports the roots of teeth it may not be possible to move the teeth into positions that will function well and are stable.

Who needs surgical orthodontics?

Dr. Lamont and Dr. Moldez will consider surgical orthodontic treatment for non-growing (adult) patients with improper bites, some situations involving jaw joint dysfunction, and those with facial esthetic concerns. Jaw growth is usually completed by age 16 for girls and 18 for boys. Growth must be essentially completed before jaw surgery should be performed. However, the pre-surgical tooth movements can begin one to two years prior to these ages depending on the surgery to be performed.

How does it work?

During your pre-surgical orthodontic treatment phase, which usually lasts 6-14 months, you will wear braces and will visit Dr. Lamont or Dr. Moldez for scheduled adjustments to your braces. As your teeth move with the braces, teeth are being more appropriately aligned with underlying jaw structures. At this time you may think that your bite is getting worse rather than better. However, when your jaws are placed into proper alignment during orthognathic surgery, the teeth will then more closely fit into their improved relationships with one another.

Surgery is performed in the hospital with an oral surgeon, and can take several hours, depending on the amount and type of surgery needed. When you have completed surgery, most people should be able to return to school or work in approximately two weeks. After the necessary healing time (about 6-8 weeks), Dr. Lamont or Dr. Moldez will continue to see you for your regular adjustment appointments. In most cases, braces are removed 6 to 10 months following surgery. After your braces are removed, you will wear a retainer to maintain your beautiful new smile until the supporting bones and gum tissue have adjusted to the new arrangements.