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We invite you to come and discover the benefits of a beautiful smile!

At the orthodontic practice of Drs. Hugh W. Lamont and Marlon Moldez we are committed to helping you achieve a healthy, one-of-a-kind smile by providing the most comprehensive and advanced orthodontic care available. Our practice customizes each treatment to meet your individual needs and expectations, giving you and your family a highly personalized orthodontic experience.

We understand that choosing an orthodontic practice is a very important decision. Dr. Hugh Lamont has years of experience and training in orthodontics, and has been an active part of his community for over 30 years. Dr. Marlon Moldez hosts a wealth of experience, knowledge, and an incredible level of genuine patient attention that will help to expand on our reputation for excellent orthodontic results. Both doctors take pride in their reputations as orthodontists who deliver long-term, stable results. Drs. Lamont, Moldez, and their team welcome patients and their families to the practice, and we look forward to working with you!

Please contact our practice at (250) 595-4341 to schedule an appointment, and take your first steps toward a lifetime of wonderful smiles.